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–Big Bird (4) Just One Me 2:21
–Big Bird (4) ABC-DEF-GHI 1:48
–Big Bird (4) Wonderful Me 2:27
–Big Bird (4) Tall Enough 2:46
–Big Bird (4) The Sound Of The Letter "A" 2:37
–Big Bird (4) And The Tarnish Brothers* I Just Adore "4" 2:17
–Big Bird (4), Ernie (4), Bert (3) And Cookie Monster Y'All Fall Down 1:42
–Big Bird (4) Good Morning Mister Sun 1:47
–Big Bird (4) Everyone Makes Mistakes 1:58
–Big Bird (4) With Oscar The Grouch Just Three Colors 1:41
–Big Bird (4) And Hoots The Owl What Makes A Fly Fly? 1:48
–Big Bird (4) A Very, Very Special Letter 1:36
–Big Bird (4) And Zoe (44) Read Me A Story 2:19
–Big Bird (4) Sing 2:33
–Big Bird (4) Surfin' Bird 1:58